Heritage Render & Plaster Repairs

Heritage Render
& Plaster Repairs

ABR Render specialises in Heritage building, home render, and plaster repairs, including decorative & ornate stucco restorations.


Stucco Cornices

Welcome to ABR RENDER

ABR Render is, Melbourne's premier heritage rendering and plastering specialists. Nestled in the heart of the Metropolitan area, we're dedicated to preserving the city's architectural legacy. Dive into our world and discover how we're ensuring Melbourne's heritage is not just remembered, but relived.

With a profound understanding of Melbourne's architectural legacy, we specialise in the meticulous restoration of heritage external facades and internal cornices, architraves, and skirting boards. Our expertise doesn't end there; we are also renowned for our proficiency in reverse mouldings and Laththum plastering. Our clientele is as diverse as the projects we undertake, ensuring that Melbourne's iconic structures retain their timeless charm.

Restoration on building Facades and Brickwork

Heritage Listed Homes

Owning a home, especially a heritage-listed one, is a testament to history and architectural beauty. At ABR Render, we understand the unique challenges and requirements that come with maintaining such homes. Our specialized services for homeowners are designed to address both aesthetic and structural needs, ensuring that your home not only looks its best but also stands the test of time.


  • Breathe new life into your facade with our restoration services.

  • Address structural concerns with our crack render repairs (render only).

  • Enhance aesthetic appeal with decorative render repairs.

  • Traditional repair work for urns & bottles.

  • Restore the charm of traditional cornices.

  • Traditional plastering on internal brickwork for a seamless finish.

  • Benefit from our expertise in reverse moulding.

  • Rejuvenate spaces with re-running traditional cornices.

  • Preserving the beauty of internal ceiling roses.

  • Ensure ceiling safety with the Westox RAP System.

Shrine of Resemblance

Heritage Buildings

Melbourne's rich architectural legacy is evident in its monuments, churches, and historic buildings. These structures tell tales of times gone by and are invaluable to our cultural heritage. At ABR Render, we offer specialized services tailored for heritage projects.


  • Conservation services to protect architectural legacies.

  • Heritage Building Consultation Services

  • Heritage Building Conservation Consultation

  • Collaborate with heritage consultants for specialised projects.

  • Monument restoration to honour historical significance.

  • Facade restoration for a renewed appearance.

  • Specialised services for churches and historic buildings.